2024年04月22日 中国科学技术大学胡水明教授学术报告


报告题目:Laser spectroscopy of many-body systems with 10-digit precision: He and HD

报告专家:胡水明教授    中国科学技术大学


报告地点:理六栋302        邀请人:颜辉


Precision spectroscopy of the hydrogen atom, a microscopic two-body system, historically led to the development of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics (QED). Nowadays, more complex many-body systems, such as the helium atom (three-body) and the hydrogen molecule (four-body), are also amenable to full quantum calculations with very high precision based on QED and a few fundamental physical constants. Comparisons between theory and precision measurements of these systems can test QED, determine physical constants, and constrain new theories beyond the Standard Model. However, discrepancies have also been found between results obtained with different methods in different laboratories around the world. In this talk, I will present our recent progress in laser spectroscopy of the helium atom and molecular hydrogen. Techniques developed in these studies are now also finding various applications.

