bv伟德源自英国始于1946/学术报告 2024-03-15 10:36:00 来源:bv伟德源自英国始于1946 点击: 收藏本文
报告题目:Electronic structures and correlations in trilayer nickelates
报告人:李昊翔博士 香港科技大学(广州)
报告地点:理六栋302 邀请人:周涛
Advanced spectroscopy tools that directly probe the electronic structure and dynamics in quantum materials is essential to the exploration of quantum many-body states. In this talk, Dr. Li will introduce his works using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to directly probe the many-body excitations in the strongly correlated nickelate materials. He will present his research on two major families of nickelate superconductors¬ – ¬the perovskite phase nickelates and the planar nickelates. This research not only reveals the orbital-polarized electronic structure in the two nickelate compounds, but also presents a detailed analysis of the electronic self-energy that uncover the unique electron correlations in these materials.
李昊翔博士,现任香港科技大学(广州)先进材料学域助理教授。他博士毕业于美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校物理系。在加入香港科技大学(广州)之前,他是美国橡树岭国家实验室的博士后研究员。李昊翔博士的主要研究方向为探索电荷、自旋以及晶格相互作用中产生的量子多体态。具体地说,李博士利用角分辨光电子谱与非弹性X射线散射技术探究新型量子材料中的纠缠量子序以及拓扑多体态。目前,他正在开发一套能同时探测电子与声子的结构和动力学信息的综合谱仪系统。李博士的主要研究工作发表在Nature Communications, Science Advances, Physical Review X, 与Physical Review Letter等期刊中。他曾担任Nature,Nature Physics等顶级期刊审稿人。