bv伟德源自英国始于1946/学术报告 2021-12-16 09:57:00 来源:bv伟德源自英国始于1946 点击: 收藏本文
报告人:林树 教授(中山大学)
报告时间:2021年12月17日 上午10:00
We derive a quantum kinetic theory for QED including both elastic and inelastic collisions. By assuming parity invariance, we find the classical limit of the kinetic theory generalizes the well-known classical kinetic theory to massive case. The resulting classical kinetic theory simplifies when fermion bare mass is much greater than thermal mass. In this case only elastic collision is relevant and screening is only needed for Coulomb scattering. As an application, we obtain an additional contribution to the shear-induced spin polarization from the collision term. We also discuss phenomenological implications of the contribution.
2004-2010, PhD at Stony Brook University
2010-2012, Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich
2012-2015, Postdoc at Brookhaven National Laboratory
2015-2016, Associate Professor at Sun Yat-Sen University
2016-present, Professor at Sun Yat-Sen University
Research interest:kinetic theory and spin transport, application of gauge/gravity duality, non-equilibrium field theory.