bv伟德源自英国始于1946/学术报告 2021-04-07 10:54:09 来源:bv伟德源自英国始于1946 点击: 收藏本文
报告题目:Imaging impurities in an atomic gas
报告人:Thibault VOGT 中山大学
报告时间:2021年4月12日 15:00
报告地点:理六栋302 邀请人:廖开宇
Rydberg atoms are extremely sensitive to electric fields in the range from static (DC) to terahertz frequencies. This property is due to the huge transition dipole moments of these atoms that have been excited to states with principal quantum number n>10. Example applications are the probing of electric fields with unprecedented precision, efficient microwave-optical conversion, and light modulation by radio-frequency fields.
In the first part of this presentation, I explain how Rydberg atoms can be used for imaging the electric field created by ions embedded in an atomic gas, allowing for the detection of the ions. The imaging scheme relies on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) involving the 27G state becoming opaque in the presence of the electrostatic field surrounding the ions. The experimental results showing the induced absorption due to several ions and our progress towards the imaging of individual ions are presented. These results are important in the context of quantum hybrid systems of ions and atoms for simulating the dynamics of impurities in a bulk system.
While this work on ion imaging is done at National University of Singapore in collaboration with Centre for Quantum Technologies, I discuss briefly in the second part of the talk my research plan at my new host institution, School of physics and astronomy, Sun Yat-sen university. One of our goals is to demonstrate efficient microwave-optical conversion in cesium Rydberg atoms. Finding a system that can achieve coherent, relatively efficient, and broadband conversion is essential for interfacing superconducting qubits and optical fibers in future quantum information networks. Other goals include, to name a few, terahertz physics with Rydberg atoms and quantum computation with trapped atom arrays.
Thibault Vogt is Associate professor at Sun Yat-sen university where he has just arrived at the end of 2020. He focuses his research on using Rydberg atoms for quantum technologies. His recent achievements include the demonstration of microwave-to-optical transitions in Rydberg atoms and imaging of impurities via interaction induced enhanced imaging.
Thibault Vogt obtained his PhD degree in 2006 at Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, University Paris-Sud 11 (Paris-Saclay University). There, under the supervision of Pierre Pillet, he achieved the demonstration of the resonant dipole blockade of the excitation of neutral atoms to Rydberg atoms, which constituted an important step towards realizing fast quantum gates with neutral atoms.
Then he worked as a postdoctor, first at the University of Virginia in 2007-2008, and later at Peking University in China from 2009 to 2012. From 2012 to 2020, he was appointed as a Senior Research Fellow in the Rydberg atom group at Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore.