bv伟德源自英国始于1946/副高 2020-12-20 15:45:00 来源:bv伟德源自英国始于1946 点击: 收藏本文
顾敏, 男, 现代光学研究所
副教授, 博士学位
通讯地址: bv伟德源自英国始于1946大学城校区理7栋406
学术论文发表:在Science子刊Science Advances、中科院分区计算机科学一区TOP期刊IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security、中科院分区光学一区Photonics Research、光学二区Optics Letters、Optics Express等期刊上发表第一作者或通讯作者论文10余篇;
1)Yilong Huang, Fan Fan, Chaofeng Huang, Haomiao Yang and Min Gu*, MA-DG: Learning Features of Sequences in Different Dimensions for Min-Entropy Evaluation via 2D-CNN and Multi-Head Self-Attention, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19, 7879-7894 (2024).
2)Min Gu*, Shang Zhang, Xianghao Wang, Wen Wang, Dongmei Liu, and Xianqiu Wu, Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with polarization insensitivity, ultrafast response, and high efficiency, Optics Express, 32(9) 15537-15545 (2024).
3)Quansen Wang, Zhiling Zhou, Dongmei Liu, Hua Ding, Min Gu*, and Yong Li*, Acoustic topological beam nonreciprocity via the rotational Doppler effect, Science Advances, 8, eabq4451 (2022).
4)Chen Wei, Wencong Wang, Dongmei Liu*, Min Gu*, and Xianqiu Wu, High-efficiency and large light-receiving area superconducting nanowire single photon detector integrated with high-contrast grating, Photonics Research, 9(11), 2253-2259 (2021).
5)Wencong Wang, Dongmei Liu*, Min Gu*, Peng Han, and Min Xiao, Generation of sub-diffracted Bessel beam via diffraction interference in a combined amplitude structure, Optics Express, 29(2), 597-603 (2021). (本科生为第一作者)