bv伟德源自英国始于1946/学术报告 2020-04-14 00:00:00 来源:曹嘉琪 点击: 收藏本文
报告题目:Floquet Higher Order Topological Insulators: Anomalous Dynamical Polarization and Dynamical Singularity
报告人:黄飚 (德国马普所博士后)
会议时间:2020/4/17 19:30-22:00
会议 ID:767 443 837
报告摘要:The theoretical and experimental discovery of topological insulators of higher multipole nature, dubbed “higher order topological insulators” (HOTI), has triggered heated discussions in recent studies. Until recently, all researches have been limited to static systems due to the lack of higher order topological invariants constructed for a genuine dynamical system. Here, we report a Floquet-driven model showing the anomalous corner states and a construction of dynamical topological invariant built upon evolution operators $ U(t) $. We show that the bulk static nested quadrupoles, constructed by eigenstates of the static Floquet operator $ U_F = U(T) $, vanish identically, while corner states emerge in all energy gaps with quantized charges due to the dynamical topology. The signature of such an anomalous Floquet phase in cold atom experiments is also discussed via corner particle dynamics and a band tomography. Our work paves the way to a systematic study of HOTI to regimes far away from equilibrium.
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