bv伟德源自英国始于1946/学术报告 2019-11-18 00:00:00 来源:曹嘉琪 点击: 收藏本文
报告题目:Attosecond Time Delay of Retrapped Resonant Ionization
报告人:杨玮枫 汕头大学卓越计划拔尖层次特聘教授
报告时间:2019年11月22日上 午10:00
地点:理六栋-301 邀请人:颜辉
A recent ultrafast pump-probe technique has allowed measurement of time delays during photoemission in a variety of systems ranging from atoms and molecules to solids with unprecedented temporal resolution. However, identifying the underlying physics is still a challenge especially in complicated multichannel above-threshold ionization (ATI) experiments. Here we demonstrate that the time delays of different ionization pathways in ATI can be clearly resolved and extracted with a semiclassical statistical method. The remarkable phase shift of near threshold photoelectrons can be attributed to a temporary retrapping of a photoelectron by the atomic potential in quasibound states after emerging in the continuum state. This continuum-bound-continuum scattering manifests as a new resonant effect in strong-field photoemission. Our results unify the seemingly opposing quantum Eisenbud-Wigner-Smith time delay and classical Coulomb-induced time delay by highlighting the same physical picture, which holds promise for an intuitive interpretation of time-resolved fundamental electronic processes in strong-field experiments and epistemological reexamination of the quantum-classical correspondence.
杨玮枫,汕头大学卓越计划拔尖层次特聘教授、博士生导师,广东省物理学会理事会理事,广东省“先进光学与光电子学”创新团队负责人,教育部大学物理教学指导委员会中南地区工作委员,汕头市科技创新领军人才,汕头大学物理系主任,先进光学与光电子学研究中心主任。从事激光光电子学研究。以第一作者/通讯作者在重要国际SCI学术刊物发表高质量学术论文三十余篇,(其中包括Physical Review Letters 3篇);单篇SCI刊源引用超过80次。多次应邀在国内外重要学术会议作特邀报告。部分研究成果得到国际著名同行科学家的高度评价与引用。2008年入选上海市科技启明星计划,2009年获全国优秀博士学位论文奖, 2012年入选广东省“千百十工程”省级培养对象,2013年入选广东省“扬帆计划”引进紧缺拔尖人才。先后主持和承担包括一项国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,三项国家自然科学基金、广东省创新团队(自然科学)项目和广东省自然科学基金重点项目在内的科研项目十余项。国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,教育部长江学者通讯评审专家,国际著名SCI刊物ACS Photonics, Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, New J. Phys.等的特邀审稿专家。
报告题目:Shortcuts To Adiabaticity
报告人:陈玺 上海大学理学院物理系教授
报告时间:2019年11月22日 上午11:00
地点:理六栋-301 邀请人:颜辉
In this talk we shall first review the techniques of shortcuts to adiabaticity, by focusing on the experimental progress. Next, we start with Lagrangian variational method for controlling BECs and soliton in trapping potentials. The fast compression of soliton is achieved and further applicable to quantum Otto heat engine. Furthermore, we have insight into the effects of many-body coherence on the quantum speed limit and shortcuts to adiabaticity in ultracold atomic gases. We conclude that collisions between the strongly interacting bosons can lead to changes in the coherence which results in larger speed limits. Finally, we present the work on the fast manipulation of single, two-interaction spins by using shortcuts to adiabaticity. The optimal control of nonlinear two-level system, describing the transition between atom and molecular BECs is also discussed. The talk will end up with some extension of shortcuts to adiabaticity with the applications in quantum control, quantum information processing, quantum annealing and quantum sensing.
陈玺博士,男, 上海大学理学院物理系教授、博士生导师,理学院副经理,上海市高校特聘教授“东方学者”。1997年进入上海大学理学院物理系光电子专业学习。2001年免试直升上海大学理学院物理系光学专业硕博连读。2005年曾担任上海市学联副主席,上海大学研究生联合会主席。2007年4月博士毕业留校工作,历任讲师、副教授。2009年和2018年先后获西班牙科技部Juan de la Cierva和Ramon y Cajal项目。2011年10月破格晋升教授。主要从事量子光学、量子调控等方面的工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金,上海市曙光计划、浦江人才、青年科技启明星及跟踪计划 晨光计划等项目,在Nature Communications,Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A等国际期刊上发表论文110余篇。