

报告时间:2017.11.20  下午2:30


报告人:杜胜望  教授  香港科技大学

报告题目:Narrowband Biphotons: Generation, Manipulation, and Applications

报告摘要:Entangled paired photons (biphotons)have become a benchmark tool not only forunderstanding fundamental quantum physics but also for realizing practical quantum applications. In this talk, I will review our recently developed narrow-band biphoton source from spontaneous four-wave mixingin a cold atomic ensemble or hot atomic vapor cell. The long temporal coherence time (up to 4000 s) of these photons allows modulating their quantum waveform in time domain directly. These photons can be further hyperentangled in time-frequency, polarization, and space-momentum. For the first time, using modulated single photons, we observed single-photon optical precursors and verified the information speed limit of a single photon. We demonstrated two-photon quantum interference with nondegenerate paired photons, the efficient photon-atom quantum interface with a single-photon storage efficiency of 50%, the coherent control of single-photon absorption and reemission in atomic ensemble, the application in differential-phase-shift quantum key distribution, and loading a single photon into a single-sided Fabry-Perot cavity with an efficiency of 87%. We developed a quantum-state tomography for measuring the biphoton temporal wave function. Most recently, we produced biphotons with polarization-frequency-coupled hyperentanglement, and demonstrated biphoton shaping with parallel-to-series conversion. The works were supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (Project Nos. 601113, 16301214, and 16305615).

杜胜望简介:于1996年在南京大学获学士学位,1999年在北京大学获硕士学位,2005年在美国JILA(冷原子物理的圣地)获博士学位,2005-2008年在斯坦福大学从事博士后研究。2008年加盟香港科技大学物理系。在冷原子量子光学方面做出过重大成果。目前已发表论文80余篇,其中物理类顶级期刊Phys. Rev. Lett. 20余篇。主持开发的分子超分辨成像系统获2017年广州南沙-香港科技大学百万美元国际创新奖等。

