


报告时间:2017.6.23  上午1000


报告人:王大军  教授  香港中文大学

报告题目:Creation and study of an ultracold gas of ground-state polar molecules

报告摘要:In this talk, I will report our recent work on the production of an ultracold sample of absolute ground-state 23Na87Rb molecules with large induced electric dipole moments. Starting from weakly-bound Feshbachmolecules formed via magneto-association, the lowest rovibrational and hyperfine state is populatedfollowing a high efficiency and high resolution two-photon Ramanprocess. The high purityabsolute ground-state sample has up to 8000 molecules and number densities of more than 1011cm-3. With an external electric field, we have induced an effective dipole moment over 1 Debye,making truly strong and long-range dipolar interactions realistic. Bi-molecular exchange reaction between ground-state 23Na87Rb molecules is endothermic, but we still observed a rather fast population decay in the lifetime measurement.

参考文献:“Creation of an ultracold gas of ground-state23Na87Rb molecules”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 205303 (2016)

