bv伟德源自英国始于1946/科研新闻 2015-11-16 00:00:00 来源:bgs 点击: 收藏本文
报告题目:Topological superfludis with spin-orbit coupling and s-wave interactions: some new results.
报告人:香港中文大学物理系 龚明 博士
报告人简介:龚明博士2010年毕业于中国科技大学,2010.10-2012.12在美国Washington State University 和University of Texas at Dallas做博后,2012.12到香港中文大学物理系任研究助理教授,入选2015年 “青年千人计划”。目前,他主要研究固体和费米气体中的拓扑性质,在国际顶级期刊Nature Communications, Physical Reviewer Letters等上发表了一系列学术论文。
报告摘要:Huge progress in theoretical understanding of topological superfluids induced by spin-orbit coupling and s-wave interaction has been achieved in recent years since the first realization of spin-orbit coupling in NIST in ultracold atoms in 2010. Most of these investigations are focused on the stationary ground state properties. Here in this talk, we present the numerical study of the quenched dynamics of topological superfluids with s-wave interaction and spin-orbit coupling in ultracold atom systems. Three post-quench dynamical phases are identified according to the asymptotic behaviour of the order parameter. In the undamped phase, a persistent oscillation of the order parameter may support a topological Floquet state with multiple edge states. In the damped phase, the magnitude of the order parameter approaches a constant via a power-law decay, which may support a dynamical topological phase with one edge state at the boundary. In the overdamped phase, the order parameter decays to zero exponentially although the condensate fraction remains finite. These predictions can be observed in the strong-coupling regime.
Ref. Ying Dong, Lin Dong, Ming Gong*, & Han Pu*, Nature Communications. 6, 6103 (2015).