




报告人:程鹏   上海光机所博士      香港科技大学博士后


报告题目:Measurement, Generation and Manipulation of Time-Frequency Entanglement of Narrowband Biphotons


摘要:We demonstrate a new way to measure, generate and manipulate the time-frequency entanglement of narrowband biphotons. With right-angle geometry spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM), we use the time-resolved and polarization-dependent two-photon interference, for the first time, to measure the phase function in two-photon wavefunction. The well agreement between experiment and theory fully confirms the existence of time-frequency entanglement of narrowband biphotons. Further, by inserting an AOM before BS, we can generate polarization frequency-coupled hyperentanglement states. Thus the phase and amplitude information can be mapped to the frequency domain, which facilitates the controllability of time-frequency entanglement from the polarization.



1.      Peng Chen, Chi Shu, Xianxin Guo, M. M. T. Loy, and Shengwang Du, "Measuring the biphoton temporal wave function with polarization-dependent and time-resolved two-photon interference," Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted, 2014); arXiv:1409.5747

2.  Chi Shu, Xianxin Guo, Peng Chen, M. M. T. Loy, and Shengwang Du, "Narrowband biphotons with polarization-frequency coupled hyperentanglement," arXiv:1411.6119