
题目:Superfocusing, Parity-Time Symmetry and Optical Isolation
报告人: 温建明 马里兰大学博士 耶鲁大学博后
时间: 7月10日上午9:00;
地点: 理六栋2楼多功能厅
摘要:In this talk I will present our recent work using optics to explore foundations of quantum mechanics as well promising applications in optical superresolution imaging and on-chip optical diode. The talk includes three different topics: superfocusing, parity-time (PT) symmetry and optical isolation. In superfocusing, I will show you our recent experiments on achieving superfocused light spots with size less than the Rayleigh diffraction limit in Fresnel near field through engineering diffraction interference patterns but without involving evanescent waves. In PT symmetry, I will introduce how we use two active-passive-coupled microtoroid resonators to form PT symmetry and confirm theoretical predictions beyond conventional canonical quantum theory. The third part of this talk is contributed to optical nonreciprocity (ONR). Despite the existence of other mechanisms for ONR , here I focus on our recent work using gain-saturation effect to break time-reversal symmetry and experimentally realize on-chip variable optical isolator in gain/loss microcavities with unprecedented power sensitivity and a large tunable range of light powers。