


Professor Ong Chong Kim

Centre for Superconducting and Magnetic  Materials

 Department of PhysicsNational University of Singapore



Maxwell’s Legacy: The Promise of Super –resolution Imaging



2011129 (周五)


10:00-11:30 am








We are celebrating the 150 years anniversary of Maxwell’s 1861 work on electromagnetism this year. There is another legacy from Maxwell’s 1854 paper known as the Maxwell Fish Eye which promises perfect imaging. He invented a refractive index profile where all light rays are circles and, according to his paper,’ all the rays proceeding from any point in the medium will meet accurately in another point’. The Maxwell Fish Eye gives perfect image. Ordinary imaging devices cannot resolve details finer than about half the wavelength of light. Perfect lenses made of negatively refracting metamaterials were predicted by Pendy in 2000 to form the perfect image. However, negatively refracting materials have the disadvantage of being inherently dissipative and can only form near field perfect images. In this talk, we describe our work on modifying the two dimensional Maxwell Fish Eye and turning it into a perfect imaging device that can be made in practice. Our device is made of concentric layers of copper circuit board with etched out structures that shape its electromagnetic properties surrounded by a metallic mirror. The device is made of a positive refracting medium with low loss. Thus, it is possible to form an image at several wavelength’s distance. Our experiment is conducted in the microwave range. We demonstrated that when a detector array is in place, our Fish Eye device can resolve two point sources that in ordinary imaging would appear blurred together. But it also challenges some of the accepted wisdom of super-resolution imaging and therefore has been subject to controversy.





Professor Ong graduated from Nanyang University and the Teacher’s Training College in Singapore. He obtained his PhD in 1973 from the University of Manitoba. He joined the Department of Physics NUS in 1981 and become a Professor in 1993. He received the Outstanding Scientist Award, Faculty of Science in 2007 and the Outstanding Researcher Award, NUS in 2010. As a physicist, he directs a group of young scientists in conducting basic research on functional materials, then explores their application into new devices. The sophisticated facilities in their research laboratories have been designed and built in-house, at low cost. They are based on original research, and many of them are not available commercially. Prof Ong is a tireless researcher and educator; he has published more than 450 papers in international journals, and has recently authored a book entitled “Microwave Electronics” published by Wiley. He has previously supervised 30 PhD and 28 MSc students. The excellent quality of his research activities has been acknowledged world-wide. He is an esteemed fellow of the Singapore Institute of Physics and the Institute of Physics, UK and has served on the Advisory Boards of several international journals.


In the local academic community, Prof Ong was the first Vice-President of the Singapore Academy of Science from 1998 to 2000 and the President of the Institute of Physics, Singapore, from 1996 to 2000.


Ong教授本科毕业于新加坡南洋大学,于1973年获Manitoba大学博士学位,1981年加入新加坡国立大学, 1993年被评为教授。曾获得新加坡国立大学杰出科学家、优秀研究奖以及其它大量奖项。他的研究组主要从事功能材料和器件研究,涵盖磁性,超导和微波材料和器件的研究,并自制许多科研设备。迄今为止,Ong教授发表了包括Nature Materials在内的论文超过450篇,H因子大于32。任多个国际杂志编委。他也是新加坡物理学会、英国物理学会会士。曾在1998-200年任新加坡科学院第一届副经理,1996-2000年任新加坡物理学会主席。