




Dear invited speakers and participants,

The online registration for the "The 3rd International Workshop on Solid-State Quantum Computing & the Hong Kong Forum on Quantum Control" is available now. The registration deadline is 30 NOV 2009; however, please
kindly note the  following important additional deadlines,

1. If you would like to reserve a room in the conference hotels, please
register on or before *9 NOV 2009* to enjoy the special room rates
guaranteed by the hotels.

2. If you are an invited speaker or a poster presenter, please let us have the title and abstract of the presented materials (can be done through
registration) on or before *9 NOV 2009* so that we can proceed on preparing the scientific program and making all other corresponding
arrangements for you. The Poster of the Workshop is attached to you for your reference.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Best Wishes,
Anna Wong
Workshop Secretary